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Oct 21, 2024

For years Katharine Campbell Hirst wanted THE BOOK about how women create businesses differently, and it didn’t exist. Then she was waiting until she was a big enough vessel to write this book. A big ah-ha! came when she considered taking a researcher approach by interviewing women business owners with 7-, 8-, and 9-figure businesses that they run their own way.

This “quest” is called The Baubo Project, named after the goddess who helped Demeter get her mojo back after her daughter Persephone was abducted. Katharine embodies her own teachings in this project by letting go of timelines and rules about how a book is done. The book is birthing itself on its own timeline.

As a coach for entrepreneurs and executives, Katharine’s work lives at the intersection of business and psychology. In this episode, she shares her three stages of coaching as well as how to get unstuck when fallow periods arrive.

Her invitation: what if you just started from what feels good and pulls you in the first place? Her quest is to help women remember how they create when they create in their own way. This episode will help you release any notions of a “business playbook” and remember that you can do things your own way. Bring on the self authority and trust!

Katharine took the Force of Nature Quiz. She’s an Earthquake, here to shake things up. She has the unique gift of seeing underneath what’s happening as women try to fit in a masculine world. Listen in to this conversation to wake up and be reminded that it’s never too late to build a new thing or rebuild an existing business from a place of alignment.

Connect directly with Katharine at She also posts regularly on LinkedIn and Substack.

Begin employing your Force of Nature in your approach to business, marketing and creativity by first taking the quiz: